Emil Help.

Coming soon to this website, blog post that can help you help yourself and your teams. We never stop learning, or if we do, we stop developing! There are a myriad of different ‘self learn’ tools available online so I have decided to start sharing some of my…

28th September 2020

Coming soon to this website, blog post that can help you help yourself and your teams.

We never stop learning, or if we do, we stop developing! There are a myriad of different ‘self learn’ tools available online so I have decided to start sharing some of my favourites on here.



How we learn differs from person to person, some of us like to listen to information, some like to watch, others prefer to read and write, whilst others like to use all of their senses in the learning process. Most of us tap in to most of the elements at any given moment, but one of the keys to successful learning, especially when YOU are delivering information on to a group is to understand how to maximise each element. So ‘learning styles’ and how to use them will be one of the first posts.


JoHari’s window is a fascinating way to learn about yourself, which in turn helps you learn about others. Developed in 1955, it’s a really simple and effective tool to help understand … and train:

  • self-awareness
  • personal development
  • improving communications
  • interpersonal relationships
  • group dynamics
  • team development; and
  • inter group relationships

The emphasis in JoHari’s window is  “soft skills” …. behaviour, empathy, co-operation, inter group development and interpersonal development.


As we discover new skills, we experience different emotions at each element of the learning process.

Analysing how we can feel in each aspect of the learning process  helps us to “go with the flow” and manage emotional ups and downs that we go through as we learn.

The Conscious Competence model can help you every step of the way.

Drawing on personal experiences, salon business and the challenges sales people face in their daily life,
I’ve created a story that can be used in salons and on sales calls that will help overcome the challenges faced in the world of retailing.

Start Telling