Maximising Your Merchandise

I don’t know if you have noticed a shift in how products are being merchandised in large stores, chemists, and supermarkets? This change has been going on for a while now, but of late there has been an acceleration in the way brands are being showcased. This, unfortunately, is especially…

20th August 2024

I don’t know if you have noticed a shift in how products are being merchandised in large stores, chemists, and supermarkets? This change has been going on for a while now, but of late there has been an acceleration in the way brands are being showcased. This, unfortunately, is especially relevant with the ‘professional’ brands now found in mass market outlets. The ‘retail’ stands that are being installed up and down the country as we speak, are a thing of beauty, much smarter than the standard shelf rack provided to salons. These new retail experience stands are a mix of display and merchandise with tech added. Products are displayed to look appealing, with testers for almost everything, they are accessible, very obviously a place where you can try and buy, with the added benefit of an iPad or something similar sharing features and benefits, and fabulous imagery.

This is all about experiences, and the big boys know that the more senses they touch, the more likely consumers will purchase. Plus the added benefit is they look ultra exclusive and stylish. We can thank Sephora, Space NK and other high end beauty stores for the initial concept. Yes, for years, department stores have allowed you to have a splash of fragrance, or try a hand or face cream, but the beauty stores elevated it to the next level, and now, chemists are following their lead.

Even supermarkets are jumping on the bandwagon and creating more experiential aspects to the mundane task of the weekly shop.

And what about salons, how are they going to change their retail offering to make it more experiential?

if your product supplier isn’t able to deliver you a shiny new retail experience stand with a built in iPad (read into that what you need to) …. then think about how your salon can go about creating something unique and exciting for clients to purchase from with brands that separate you from the crowd.


1: Stands: Do your retail shelves encourage clients to pick up product and try it? if not, make sure they do!

2: Create or purchase small stickers that clearly state ‘SAMPLE’ or ‘TRY ME’.

3: Pricing: Clearly price EVERY PRODUCT.

4: iPad or tablet, invest in some tech clients can access that features all the brands you retail, with clear information about each and every product. Ideally this should be attached to the stands, but if not, always close to them.

5: Wet Wipes: if you want clients to test products, provide something for them to clean their hands afterwards.

6: Make sure you carry a wide range of products, the more you stock, the more you retail, that’s a fact! Always carry entry level products, they compete with supermarkets; mid price, the bulk of your retail offering, higher price point but still affordable; aspirational brands, something that clients can [aspire] to, and don’t forget accessories and equipment, all key for impulse purchases.

7: Keep the shelving clean at all times, dust gathers quickly and it’s a sure fire put off for clients browsing your retail offering.

8: if you have dead space in your reception area, create a display (a touchable display) on a small table that encourages clients to check out what’s available, this is perfect if you have special offers, Christmas gift sets etc. Change this feature regularly.

9: Showcase your retail offering on all your social platforms, and if you have a website with a blog (highly recommended) feature regular posts about the brands you have available.

10: Wrap it all up with an e-commerce platform and a loyalty card programme that gives clients additional points on services for every retail product purchased.

It all sounds so easy doesn’t it! But ask any merchandising expert and they will confirm, there is a science behind retailing and displays. Get it right and it can become a brilliant revenue stream for your business. Take your time over the decisions you make that can take your retail offering to a much higher, experiential place.

Most important of all though is you and your team’s belief in the ranges you carry, and their consistent sharing of information with their clients.


Drawing on personal experiences, salon business and the challenges sales people face in their daily life,
I’ve created a story that can be used in salons and on sales calls that will help overcome the challenges faced in the world of retailing.

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