This is why AI doesn’t work for everyone.

As a writer of two published books I consider myself to be articulate enough to share my thoughts and views in written words that I know put my message across exactly as I would say it. AI is being heralded as the next step in our technological advancement, and whilst…

28th August 2023

As a writer of two published books I consider myself to be articulate enough to share my thoughts and views in written words that I know put my message across exactly as I would say it. AI is being heralded as the next step in our technological advancement, and whilst I see the benefits it can have in certain situations, my personal belief is that it cannot, and will not ever be able to say what YOU would say.

Here’s an example; I punched in to an AI formatter these words to describe what it is I actually do.

education consultant for the hairdressing industry

This is what the AI app produced

Are you ready to become a leader in the hairdressing industry? As an experienced education consultant, I can help you level up your business and dominate the hairdressing game. With proven teaching strategies, tailored education plans, and cutting edge evaluation techniques, I’ll help you take the skills of your team to the next level. Don’t just take my word for it. My students have enjoyed an 84% success rate in mastering the principles and techniques needed to become industry professionals. Plus, their satisfaction ratings have remained consistently high since day one. In fact, many of my former students now serve as heads of hair salons and styling departments across the country. Make your mark in the hairdressing industry and join the ranks of my many successful students! Contact me today to get started.

PHEWEE, I didn’t realise I was that good – an 84% success rate and students I have taught have gone on to serve as heads of salons and styling departments across the country. What a heap of rubbish that I could quite easily post across my social platforms and on this blog. It’s not true, its fabricated and it actually gives a false impression of my business model.

PLUS, and this is the thing that gets me the most, people who know me,  who have read Don’t Sell Volumes 1 & 2 all say the same thing – “it’s like listening to you present when I read the chapters in your books”. Reading the paragraph above, nobody is going to say those words as they quite simply do not read like I would write. So when I see people advocating using AI to help with emails, responses to texts etc I get concerned. AI is going to stop your words being just that, YOUR WORDS.

I appreciate it’s early days but for those of you who are embracing this new found technology, which I know lots of you are, all I say is tread carefully, the potential to take away your true identity, who you are when you write something is there for the taking. If you do use any AI app to create text, read through it and personalise it to make it more like the words you would use.


#AiNotForMe #MyWordsMyWay

Drawing on personal experiences, salon business and the challenges sales people face in their daily life,
I’ve created a story that can be used in salons and on sales calls that will help overcome the challenges faced in the world of retailing.

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