Social media and lockdown

It’s the 9th week of lockdown and the effect on social media has been quite extraordinary. You, should by now have noticed your followers are increasing, the engagement, likes, shares and comments with each post will have improved as well. This is because your followers, and hopefully…

19th May 2020

It’s the 9th week of lockdown and the effect on social media has been quite extraordinary.

You, should by now have noticed your followers are increasing, the engagement, likes, shares and comments with each post will have improved as well. This is because your followers, and hopefully their followers are spending more time looking at their daily feeds and seeing posts that are of interest to them.

Social media is the only way your clients are able to stay in touch with you, and for them to feel as though they are on this journey through lockdown, and out of it, with you.

The messages you share are of huge importance, no matter how trivial they might seem to be. Whether you are posting. regular updates about PPE and your plans for re-opening, or posting silly Snapchat / Tik Tok videos, each post has relevance to your existing and potential new clients.

Make sure your daily feed is a blend of serious, business and client related information, and add a scattering of fun images and quotes, this keeps your platforms fresh and exciting to visit.

Of course the reality is, social media requires constant attention at the best of times, but now, whilst we all start to feel a tad fatigued with the Groundhog Day moments we are all witnessing, it can become a challenge to get motivated to post something every single day, but post daily you must!

WHY? Because everyone is spending more time on each platform than ever before. We have more time to browse and have a look at what everyone is posting …. that means, your clients, your followers, might well see something your competitors have posted and that could be all it takes to spike their curiosity.


So, set yourself a challenge of creating a variety of images to share, focus on the serious aspects of getting PPE etc and the prepping of your environment for when lockdown eases. Pics are a must here!

Create some light hearted posts that add fun …. your platforms need to show an element of frivolity. In these serious times we need something to lift the spirits in whatever way suits you and your social world.

Quotes are very important and there are a myriad of sites where you can find sayings about anything and everything that you can use.

Re-post some popular images from your back catalogue. Before and after hair shots are especially powerful as it tells your clients’ what you are all about.

You and your team popping up to say ‘hello, we are missing you’ will, I guarantee, prove to be very popular, and these images / videos will keep you and your team firmly planted in your clients minds.

Remind your clients of the products and services you provide …. keep them focussed on why the chose you, because you want them to remember that for when doors re-open.

REMEMBER: It only takes 3 months to break a habit, and your clients, by the end of lockdown will be edging close to having not seen you for 12 weeks…. make sure they don’t break their habit with you.

Social media has always been powerful, but now it has been elevated to a new level. So take time to think about what you post and the message it shares, be it important or nonsensical. Use your time wisely, create the platforms you have always wanted and be creative, productive and consistent…. it will reap rewards, now because it will keep you in your clients minds, and after lockdown when those clients see you again they will want to tell all their friends and followers about you as well.



Drawing on personal experiences, salon business and the challenges sales people face in their daily life,
I’ve created a story that can be used in salons and on sales calls that will help overcome the challenges faced in the world of retailing.

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