Tags @ and Hashtags #

Those little symbols @ # @ # Understanding how to use them and what to do with them is an ongoing challenge. As social platforms alter the way their algorithms read data, so the chances of using the correct tag and hashtag diminishes.

3rd September 2020

Those little symbols

@ # @ #

Understanding how to use them and what to do with them is an ongoing challenge. As social platforms alter the way their algorithms read data, so the chances of using the correct tag and hashtag diminishes.

So here is an easy to read, easy to use guide to help you navigate through the usage of @ and #

Tags and hashtags are used as a method of helping your posts get greater engagement, however the way social media platforms use and identify them changes frequently.

Tags are people, places and organisations. You should use them specific to the post you have created.

For example every salon post should include the relevant tags for Facebook @YOURSALONNAME and Instagram @YOURSALONNAME. You should also include your own personal (work) page tags.

You can also add tags relating to product companies, the aim here is to get the company to like, or share, or comment on your post. The biggest success you will have here is to tag the company in the body of your picture on Instagram.

Tags can also be used to get involvement from local businesses and the area you are based in.

For Example: Search your area, local groups and fashion pages linked to your town, city etc, and you should see ‘suggestions’  pop up. It’s worthwhile tagging in these feeds as their spread is usually very wide.


When tagging on facebook, if the tag you type in doesn’t turn pale blue, it isn’t recognised by the FB algorithm and won’t do anything…. Don’t use it!

Instagram tags pop up as you type the first few letters, scroll through the options shown and then, tag in.

Sometimes if you are not following the page you try to tag, you will get no response so it is worthwhile ‘following’ them beforehand.

Don’t go for overkill with too many tags, Facebook and Instagram actively encourage you to use less.

Hashtags are another method of getting your posts noticed, but the ####’s  you choose are very important.

ALWAYS use #YOURSALONNAME as this is the company  specific # and as such is easily recognised and found when searched for.

Other ###’s should link to your business and the services and product you offer, these are also well worth using frequently.

However, avoid #balayage as this is used by every hairdresser and as such the chances of your post being seen by using it are minimal. The objective of # is for your post to be found by people who use hashtags as their preferred search method, so #THEPLACEYOULIVEINBalayage or #YOURSALONNAMEBalayage would be a better option as it narrows down the amount of posts that might use that.

Search for popular # in your given area, you will be surprised what you might find that you can use to help get your posts noticed.

Facebook and Instagram don’t like lots of #####’s to be used and their algorithmic valuations stop the ‘spread’ of posts featuring too many, which means your posts are seen be fewer people. The recommended maximum is 6 to 10. The preferred amount is 2 – 3.


Facebook and Instagram like you to use emojis in your posts wherever possible, the hearts, thumbs up etc are worthwhile dropping in to the text that goes with your images.

Drawing on personal experiences, salon business and the challenges sales people face in their daily life,
I’ve created a story that can be used in salons and on sales calls that will help overcome the challenges faced in the world of retailing.

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